Courses at the International Study Centre Courses
At Heidelberg University's International Study Centre ("Internationales Studienzentrum" / "ISZ") you can attend German language and specialist courses before, during, and after your studies.
The ISZ offers specifically tailored courses for:
- prospective students with non-German educational qualifications planning to do a complete degree programme in Germany
- international students admitted to Heidelberg University either by way of an exchange programme (Erasmus or a bilateral programme) or as master's degree students
- international professors/postdocs, doctoral students, staff, and Lehrbeauftragte at Heidelberg University, including their partners
- alumni (HAI members) of Heidelberg University, including their partners

Prospective Students
Exchange / Master's Degree Students
Postdocs / Doctoral Students / Staff / Lehrbeauftragte / Alumni
Other German courses in Heidelberg
If you want to learn German in Heidelberg, but you do not belong to one of these groups, we advise you to contact a private language school.