
Courses for StudentsAdditional German Courses for Regularly Enrolled Students (BA / MA / State Examination)

Who can join?

This additional course programme is exclusively offered to

  • Bachelor's / Master's / State Examination Degree Students who are regularly enrolled in order to graduate at Heidelberg University

We offer other course programmes both for international exchange students (Erasmus, bilateral programmes), who are temporarily enrolled at Heidelberg University, and for doctoral students:

What courses are offered?

Course Overview:

  • Everyday Communication A1 (for students without any knowledge of German)
  • Everyday Communication A2 (for students with a prior knowledge of German at CEFR level A1)
  • Everyday Communication A2-B1 (for students with a prior knowledge of German at around CERF level A2)
  • Presentation and Discussion (for students with a prior knowledge of German at CEFR level B2/C1)


Our courses for Everyday Communication focus on basic oral skills. They are aimed at beginners with little knowledge of German. The goal is for you to be able to hold simple conversations in German and communicate successfully in everyday situations. We offer courses for three target levels: A1, A2, and B1.

The course Presentation and Discussion focuses on oral skills in a more academic context. This course is aimed at learners of German who have already achieved an advanced level (B2 or C1). The aim is to enable you to present and discuss scientific topics in seminars in an appropriate manner. We want to enable you to express yourself more freely and confidently in class.

Where and when do the courses take place?

All courses take place at the Institute for German as a Foreign Language Philology (Institut für Deutsch als Fremdsprache / IDF), Plöck 55, 69117 Heidelberg.

Upcoming courses for you:


CoursePeriodTimesLocationApplication by
CoursePeriodTimesLocationApplication by
Compact Course Academic Writing
29 Jul - 09 Aug 2024
(30 x 45min in total)
Mon - Fri, 01:30 pm - 03:00 pm
(with a 15-minute break)
IDF, room 105
25 Jul 2024
Compact Course Everyday Communication A2
30 Sep - 11 Oct 2024
(30 x 45min in total)
Mon - Fri, 09:15 am - 11:45 pm 
(with a 15-minute break)
01., 02. & 04.10.: till 12:45 pm
IDF, room 013
26 Sep 2024
Semester Course Everyday Communication A1
(Judithe Barthomeuf)
14 Oct 2024 - 03 Feb 2025
Mon, 02:15 - 04:15 pm
IDF, room 011
11 Oct 2024
Semester Course Everyday Communication A2
(Paula Orgeldinger)
15 Oct 2024 - 04 Feb 2025
Tue, 04:15 - 06:15 Uhr
IDF, room 012
11 Oct 2024
Semester Course Everyday Communication A2-B1
(Lea Emde)
16 Oct 2024 - 05 Feb 2025
Wed, 04:15 - 06:15 Uhr
IDF, room 011
11 Oct 2024
Semester Course Presentation and Discussion
(Miriam Münzenmayer)
17 Oct 2024 - 06 Feb 2025
Thu, 04:15 - 06:15 Uhr
IDF, room 012
11 Oct 2024

How much do I have to pay?

The courses are financed by special funds of the Rectorate of Heidelberg University and, therefore, free of charge.

Will I receive a certificate?

These are a not-for-credit courses (no ECTS) without tests or exams.
If you miss a maximum of one (compact course) / two (semester course) sessions, you will receive an ungraded certificate of regular attendance at the end of the course.

How do I register? Who answers my questions?

Please send your registration (with your full first and surnames, matriculation number, study programme, and intended course) and questions to the course coordinator:
Ms Miriam Münzenmayer, M.A.: muenzenmayer@isz.uni-heidelberg.de